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Wawku Shrine
Inside the shrine, ice covered the bridge at the entrance. But that's not all. Two cannons guarded the door.
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Issun: 'Wait a sec, Geta! See those cannons over there? I'm not so sure they're there to greet us. Let's take it slow and easy...'
Vegeta: 'Right. Kakarot, stay behind me but keep close.'
Goku: 'Don't have to tell me twice.'
They slowly started walking across the icy bridge. As they did, Vegeta heard the cannons power up. He used the Mist technique to slow time down. When he did. he saw the cannon's purple projectiles coming at him. Just before the Mist technique was done, he used Power Slash to send the projectiles back at the cannons and they were destroyed. With the cannons gone, they could proceed inside the shrine undisturbed. The shrine was huge and looked modern. A little too modern. There was a demon lock ahead of them so Vegeta knew that an Exorcising Arrow had to be near.
Goku: 'What is that?'
Vegeta: 'It's a lock that's given me trouble in the past. I know how to get rid of it, I just need to find the Exorcising Arrow.'
Goku: 'What does that look like?'
Vegeta: 'Oh you'll know. Kakarot, I know this is gonna get strange for you as we head deeper into the shrine. Just remember... I've done a lot of things like this already. So you just have to trust me, ok?'
Goku: 'Ok, Vegeta. I'll follow your lead.'
Knowing that they can't press on without the Exorcising Arrow first, they headed right to an ice bridge where the ice was very fragile. Goku flew across the pit to the other side, while Vegeta ran and jumped across the bridge as fast as he could. The door ahead was blocked by a block of ice. Vegeta just drew a line from one of the two torches next to the door to the ice and melted it. They came close to not avoiding the falling icicles as they entered the next room. The room contained an enormous balance scale with a heavy metal weight on one side and two large blocks of ice on the other. A huge icy snowball was next to them but the floor in front of it was lowered. There had to be a switch on the other side of the room. Vegeta figure that the weight scale was apart of the puzzle to get the snowball across the pit. He had to get the weight even so there had to be some major changes. Our hero first melted the ice blocks on the one scale. He then picked up one of the small houseplants that were off to the side. He jumped up onto the scale where the ice blocks had been and placed the plant down before going to get another. With two plants on the scale, Vegeta jumped off and used Bloom to make them grow bigger. The two plants balanced the weight perfectly and the small floor panels in front of the icy snowball were raised. The ball was emitting a tiny cold mist on it and Vegeta knew that if they touched it, they'd freeze. So he used Galestorm to blow the ball over to a switch. A door opened and revealed the Exorcising Arrow. Like all the others, Vegeta picked it up.
Goku: 'So that's an Exorcising Arrow. But how's it gonna get rid of that lock?'
Vegeta: 'Just watch and see.'
With the Exorcising Arrow in possession, they returned to the lock where the arrow did its thing. The lock was guarding a pool with a huge ice block in it. Melting the block with Inferno, the pool came alive again. Calmly, Vegeta just walked out onto the water. The Water Tablet he had bought from the Emperor was really paying off.
Goku: 'How?...'
Vegeta: 'Water Tablet. Bought it from the Emperor. Where was this thing when I needed it most?'
Vegeta stood in the center of the pool and created a Power Spring to take him to the next level. Goku followed close behind by flying. Running clockwise around the perimeter walkway, they came to a stop at a wall with some large white slabs of snow and ice plastered on the wall. A Kabegami stood above and Vegeta used Catwalk to climb the wall. The new walkway had cannons mounted on the wall above across from them and looked ready to fire. Vegeta continued using Mist to slow time down and Power Slash to shoot the projectiles back thus destroying the cannons. Several gaps in the walkway had rotating platforms that were spinning a little too fast for Vegeta to jump onto. So Mist was used again to slow each of them down so that the prince could cross safely. They headed east across a bridge and went through a door behind it. Behind the door were a number of spinning gears which Vegeta used Mist to slow them down until he crossed safely. Exiting the spinning gear hall, they found themselves outside again. They simply followed the path until they came across a group of what looked like Platform Spiders but they were on fire.
Issun: 'Stop! Stop, Geta! See those glowing red beasts? Those are Flame Spiders! They resemble a Blocking Spider or a Platform Spider, But as you can see, they'll burn ya real good if you touch them! Let's play it safe, ok? You might get hurt if you try to hitch a ride like you usually do.'
Taking Issun's warning seriously, Vegeta kept his distance of the spiders while moving on. He jumped down the ledge to the lower area to find a giant machine. It looked like a cross between a slot machine and a phonograph. But before they could get closer, a Great Tengu appeared! Formerly one who cloistered himself in the mountains for training, these fearsome creatures were normally a tough foe. But against Vegeta, it was no match and it fell fast. Now they could get a closer look at the machine. Inside it was a conch horn and the machine looked to be the source of the blizzard.
Issun: 'Geta, look! Check out this big contraption! It's got a nasty blizzard blowing right out of it!'
Goku: 'So this is where that blizzard is coming from.'
Issun: 'Can you believe those no-good demons? They're trying to turn Kamui into a giant ice cube with this thing! We gotta stop it now, Geta!'
Seeing a lever on the machine, Vegeta used Power Slash to turn the machine off. With the strange contraption off, the blizzard stopped. All of Kamui was saved form an icy death. But then, the conch horn inside started to glow and it shot into the sky. The sky overhead darkened and a heavenly light shined down on Vegeta, Goku and Issun as the final constellation appeared before them.
Issun: 'Look! I think it's here! That 13th and final brush technique! We finally found it!'
Goku: 'Well hurry, Vegeta! Do what you have to do!'
Excited, Vegeta looked at the constellation. There were 8 stars in total, and 5 were missing. The saiyan prince filled in the missing stars and the bull brush god stampeded towards them! The bull charged at Vegeta and Goku with his horns, but the saiyans dodged him. The bull, Itegami, the god of ice turned to Vegeta and his friends.
Itegami: 'Ah... Amaterasu. Origin of all that is good and mother to us all... In your absence, I took shelter here, only to become trapped. Beings of evil defile the world with impurity and darkness. Like a mighty snow flurry, I, Itegami, god of ice, have returned! I grant you the ability to freeze your foes to absolute zero. I am the last of the 13 gods you sought. You now possess the power to put an end to the evil forever!'
Issun: 'The 13th and final brush god is Itegami, the god of ice. You know what this means, Geta! You've now recovered all the brush techniques! Hm!? Whoa, check out Itegami, Geta!'
Itegami pulled the horn up to his mouth and raised it up high. With a loud bellow, Yomigami, Tachigami, the Hanagami trio, Bakugami, Nuregami, Yumigami, Kazegami, Moegami, Kasugami, Kabegami, and Gekigami all joined Itegami together to create the most powerful Divine Instrument of all! The weapon with the power of the sun itself, the Solar Flare. With it, Vegeta felt all of the gods and his mothers power flowing throughout him. He roared with power and pride as he felt whole for the first time ever in his life. But he could not use this powerful Divine Instrument just yet. Not until the people's faith in the gods returned.
Issun: 'Well, I guess that's it. We've found the long-awaited 13th and final technique! Itegami's Blizzard power can freeze any monster to the bone! A fitting power to top off the rest. Like icing on a cake!'
Issun then looked at the Flame Spider close by.
Issun: 'Hey, check out that Flame Spider over there. It'll make a perfect first victim. Place your brush on a mass of ice to harness its power, and then draw a line to the Flame Spider. Do that, and the power of ice should rush into your brush!'
Goku: 'C'mon, Vegeta! Let's see it!'
Issun: 'Yeah! Give that bone-chilling brush technique a try!'
With his audience nagging him on, Vegeta had no choice but to oblige. Like he wasn't going to anyway. When the Flame Spider was in the right spot, Vegeta drew a line from a patch of ice to the spider. It froze solid in a second!
Goku: 'Alright! That's awesome!'
Issun: 'Ha ha! That no-good Flame Spider's frozen solid! So that's the power of Blizzard, the final brush technique... ... ... At last... I've seen all 13 of your brush techniques! The 13 Celestial Brush techniques! The power of the gods! ... ... Well, the celebrations are just gonna have to wait. The first order of business is gettin' outta here alive. I mean, what use will all the techniques be if I'm dead?'
Vegeta: 'I was about to say... You're not jumpin' shift now, Issun! Not after everything we've been through.'
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Goku: 'What's that?'
Vegeta: 'The only reason Issun joined me in the first place was so he could see all of the brush techniques for himself.'
Goku: 'What are you plannin' on doing with them after this, Issun?'
Issun: 'That's not important right now. Now don't go doing anything stupid and getting us killed, Geta!'
Goku: 'Has he called you by your real name at all?'
Wawku Shrine Slot Machines
Vegeta: 'Not since after I got my second technique. At least it's better then 'Spiky'.'
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Enough dilly-dallying! They had to get moving! Using the frozen Flame Spider, they returned to the canyon full of Flame Spiders. They passed the spiders and returned to the shrine. They headed north from the door and Vegeta froze another Flame Spider so that they could reach the bridge above. They continued to head up. Vegeta was using nearly all of his brush techniques as they made their way up the trap and obstacle heavy shrine. Freezing gears, creating bridges of ice, melting snow piles, zipping across gaps with vines. Finally, they reached the 6th floor. They could feel it. An evil presence was near. A gate was all that stood between them and this presence. They headed through the gate without hesitation.